Role Of FloorPlanning in VLSI Physical Design
Role Of FloorPlanning in VLSI Physical Design
Floorplanning is one of the most crucial steps in VLSI Physical Design wherein the layout of various functional blocks or modules of a chip is determined before the actual placement and routing stages. The requirement of floor planning in a design is to space out the layout in such a manner that it optimizes performance, minimizes area, and ensures the design meets the requirements on timing, power, and thermal constraints.
Important objectives in VLSI Floor Planning
Performance Optimization: Blocks should be ordered in such a way that signal delay in any timing-critical path is minimized.
Area Efficiency: It will help in reducing the waste of empty space with enough space for routing.
Power Distribution: Placement of blocks aims at optimizing power delivery as well as reducing power consumption.
Heat Dissipation: A proper floorplan shall consider thermal management in minimizing hot spots.
Clock Tree Optimization: It helps to construct the clock distribution network to achieve minimum skew and jitter.
Overview of Important roles in VLSI Physical Design Floorplanning
Block Placement And Area Estimation:
In floorplanning, the functional blocks are so placed that the area is optimized and the overall chip size is minimized. This step provides an early estimate for the size of the chip because the cost and performance considerations of the circuit should be met at this stage.
Wirelength Minimization:
The main objective of floorplanning is to minimize the interconnect (wire) length among the different blocks. This is because shorter wires lead to lower signal propagation delays, reduced power consumption, and less crosstalk, which is important for high-speed circuits.
Optimization of Performance:
Proper floor planning ensures that performance-critical blocks are placed in proximity to each other, thereby reducing signal delays. This is important because of the specific importance of timing-critical paths, where the delay should be minimized to meet specified performance targets in design.
Power Distribution and Heat Dissipation:
Further considerations in the floorplanning include the distribution of power and heat dissipation. Heat spots must be prevented by distributing the heat of blocks that consume power or generate heat. It further ensures that power distribution networks should be efficiently designed so that proper power will be supplied to all components.
Congestion Avoidance:
With proper placement of blocks, floorplanning is done so that no routing congestion develops. Later in the design stage, the designers get into routing problems if they had utilized a significant portion of the area to route too many wires through a small part of it. Therefore, the floor planning avoids congestion due to the proper spread of blocks and resultant routing-friendly areas.
Pin Assignment:
Floor planning helps to do the assignment of input/output (I/O) pins. This is arranged in such a manner that the wirelength is minimized and routing to other blocks is easy.
Timing Closure:
During the floorplanning phase, early timing estimates are produced. Designers then have the ability to examine whether the chip can meet the constraints placed on the necessary timing and adjustments such as repositioning of blocks or alterations in their dimensions.
Feasibility Analysis:
Floorplanning allows designers to perform feasibility analysis before they move into detailed placement and routing to ensure that all the area, power, and timing requirements are met within given constraints.
Design Partitioning:
In some layouts, specifically large-size chips, floorplanning subdivides the chip into smaller, manageable areas. This decomposition would make subsequent steps like placement and routing more efficient by allowing for the parallelization of tasks
Usage of IP Cores:
Contemporary VLSI designs make extensive usage of pre-designed intellectual property (IP) cores. Floorplanning will ensure that these cores are laid out optimally in respect of their specific layout and timing constraints.